治癒心靈: 四川大地震災後支援
轉自都市日報 近日無論接受訪問、在大學授課,以至與外國朋友交流,都離不開敘事繪畫治療法(Narrative Drawing Intervention)。 今天記者問到當初為甚麼決定開發這套臨牀心理治療工具時,思緒一直飄,飄回2008年6月的四川災區。...
HKADCP responded to the suicide tragedy of a teenager
Responding to the suicide of a post-secondary student in Hong Kong in late February, Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical...
Sharing Dinner of Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology
Board members of HKADCP met with a group of clinical psychologists for whom they are potential registered members of the Association. ...