Psy'Cafe 活動閣
Based on the combined membership of the Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology (HKADCP) and Hong Kong Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology (HKPS-DCP), as of 2017, HK has one (1) clinical psychologist for every 18,000 HK residents, or a ratio of 1:18,000. This contrasts with a much lower ratio in the United Kingdom (UK, 1:5000) and the United States of America (US, 1:3000). The HK Social Welfare Department (SWD) Clinical Psychological Service Branch reported that the average waiting time for a first appointment with a clinical psychologist was 46.3 days (HKLegislative Council, 2017), with very infrequent follow-up appointments......
本會認為心理學組的觀點徧頗, 資料內容亦是片面不全及有失實之虞。心理學組更向傳媒發放不實報道,而不是理性地就認證程序作開誠布公的討論。心理學組既非教育機構,亦非認證機構,但卻以權威的姿態批評同業,發放不實報道,實有違專業道德之嫌。本會就此舉及相關之表述表示不解及極度失望 ......
香港臨床心理學博士協會是香港其中一個主要的臨床心理學專業團體,目前為業界提供以學會為本的自願監管註冊,定期審核和更新符合資格的認可註冊臨床心理學家名冊 ...
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