Who is a Clinical Psychologist?
Does a person need to get a license or be registered to practice as or use the title "clinical psychologist" in Hong Kong?
At present, the practice of clinical psychology is not protected by any official statutory regulations in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR"). It is NOT mandatory for any person to be licensed or registered with a government agency or professional board in order to practice clinical psychology or to use the title "clinical psychologist" in the HKSAR. However, the Hong Kong Government is encouraging the establishment of a self-regulatory body in the profession to ensure the quality of services and safety for the public.
Does Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology (HKADCP) advocate potential employers to select only HKADCP registered clinical psychologists as their candidates?
No. While potential employers are rest assured the that professional qualifications of clinical psychologists who are registered with HKADCP, we promote with due respect equal job opportunities for all trained and well-qualified clinical psychologists to be considered by recruiters. We note that the Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR government advocates the principle of fairness and equal opportunity in recruiting qualified clinical psychologists in their department and non-governmental organizations.
Does the Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology (HKADCP) engage in self-advocacy for its members as job candidates?
No. To honor the well-accepted tradition in all professions and to avoid the fallacy of misrepresenting propaganda, HKADCP refrains itself from acting as a self-advocate in hiring situations. We adhere to the ethical principle of esteeming all individuals in the profession, and thus, discourage any and all forms of employment discrimination.
On the contrary, potential employers are encouraged to use their own prudent discretion and make fair and independent assessments when selecting clinical psychologist candidates. HKADCP trusts that potential employers will be able to make fair evaluations and find clinical psychologists registered with HKADCP as eligible and competent candidates, based on individual qualifications, expertise and performance, rather than relying merely on self-promotion.
On what basis does HKADCP label a person as "unqualified” to practice as a clinical psychologist?
HKADCP is cautious to label a person as an unqualified to be a clinical psychologist without solid evidence. We encourage potential employers to seek our views on issues related to the qualifications of a clinical psychologist practicing in Hong Kong. HKADCP holds that it would be unethical and unprofessional for any individual or association to depreciate any other clinical psychologist if such allegations are culturally biased or lack substantial proof.
Are HKADCP registered clinical psychologists qualified as clinical psychologists?
Making reference to the latest international standards for the profession, HKADCP has established clear and unbiased criteria for admission to our register of clinical psychologists. Apart from the high requirement that applicants much hold a doctorate degree, HKADCP has adopted a comparable credentials requirement, under which an applicant's professional qualifications are counter-checked against at least one well-established and reputable professional or statutory psychological body in a comparable developed countries.
You may refer to this link to view a list of HKADCP registered clinical psychologists. The HKADCP's Register of Clinical Psychologists is updated on a monthly basis.
Why are there limited numbers of registered clinical psychologists in HKADCP?
HKADCP only admits doctorate-level clinical psychologists as registered members, and thus by nature, the total number of registered clinical psychologists are relatively smaller than other comparable psychological associations which also accepts master-level candidates as registered members.
How is HKADCP dedicated to public interest and welfare?
HKADCP is dedicated to public interest and welfare. We understand that the community will be better served by quality clinical psychologists. For easy reference, the Register of Clinical Psychologists of HKADCP is prepared to serve practicing clinical psychologists as a register that can recognize their professional qualifications to provide clinical psychological services to the local community of Hong Kong.
Is it compulsory for qualified clinical psychologists to register with HKADCP?
Although qualified doctorate clinical psychologists are encouraged to be listed in the Register, doing so implies no legality of status and does not exclude any other practitioners from providing clinical psychological services in the HKSAR.
How do I know if a person is an unqualified clinical psychologist?
Be wary of any individuals claiming the title of "clinical psychologist" without explicitly showing formal qualifications in clinical psychology. The highest confidence comes with being "registered" or "licensed" with Statutory Psychology Boards or Psychological Associations or membership with the division of clinical psychology of an established Psychological Association from other developed countries. We encourage potential employers to seek our views on such matters by phone 3705 4956 or email info@hkadcp.org.hk.